Sheva Brachot by Leil Hasder Muktzeh pot lid A Goy who leaves money on Sjabbat wrong name in a ketbuna

Melaveh Malka for women

My wife and I always try to be careful to eat Melaveh Malka on Motzei Shabbat. After Havdalah we sit down and wash on the leftover Challah  and sing Zemirot. In the winter it is fine because we can push it off and have pizza. In the summer though it has become hard for my […]

Terumah got mixed up

I wrote the other day about the potatoes  I did Terumah and Ma’aser from but forgot which potatoes I separated. I went to look for  Chacham but my Rav told me he doesn’t know enough and I would have to travel to a big city. Is there any other way? Oh I put the potatoes […]

Learning Torah during Chazarat HaShatz

In our Kehillah for Shacharit there have been big arguments lately. One part of the Tzibur are very Makpid on Daf Hayomi. If they are behind many of them will continue learning the Daf to catch up during Chazarat HaShatz. So, the other others by the Minyan got upset that they are not paying attention […]

Two Pidyon HaBen on the same day

I am involved in Kiruv and I was happy when one of my former students invited me for his son’s Pidyon Haben. Then while talking he mentioned he is an only child. I asked him fi he had a Pidyon and he doubted it and investigated and he didn’t’. I told him he should do […]

Birkat HaIlanot

I have a serious operation scheduled right before Rosh Chodesh Nissan and it might take me weeks to recover. During that time won’t be able to get out of bed for the whole month of Nissan at least. Can I say the Bracha on the trees just before Nissan? Or maybe can I say it […]

Parochet with bells

I went to a small community for shabbat the other week to visit my cousin. They gave me the Kavod of Ptichat Ha’Aron. When I started to open the Parochet I heard a ringing by the floor and I realized the Parochet had little bells at the bottom, I guess like the clothing of the […]

Netillat Yadayim

I was at a family wedding the other day and I saw some people do something very strange during Netillat Yadayim. Frist they washed their right hand and, before they took the cup in the right hand they wiped off the handle of the cup. Then they took t and washed their left hand. Is […]

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