Sheva Brachot by Leil Hasder Muktzeh pot lid A Goy who leaves money on Sjabbat wrong name in a ketbuna

Hilchot Challah

My wife was taking Challah last Erev Shabbat. After she pulled out a piece of dough and said the bracha, the dough fell out of her hands and fell back into the bowl with the other dough. She took the piece of Challah out of the other dough but there was still some bits stuck […]

Inviting Non-Jews to Seudat Yom Tov

My Grandfather has Arichut Yamim B”H. He has Non-Jewish Filipino attendant hwo goes with him wherever eh is.  I want to invite my grandfather for he Pesach Seder but am I allowed to invite his attendant as well? I know that tis it forbidden to make food for a Non Jew on Yom Tov but […]

The knot of the Tefillin

I was removing my Tefillin after Tefilla and I noticed the person sitting next to Me’s Kesher (knot) of the Shel Yad was falling apart. It didn’t even look like a Kesher anymore. Did he fulfill his mitzvah of Tefillin? Should I have said something?  

The Minimum number to start Chazarat HaSh”atz

We have a Shacharit Minyan in our Bet Haknesset early in the morning. The minyan is very small, sometimes eleven men sometimes twelve.  Most of the men attending must run off to work, however there are some people who come who pray Shemoneh Esrei much more slowly, and it takes a longtime to finish Shemoneh […]

Besamim by Havdalah

I had a cold last week and was very stuffy or a few days. When it came Motzei Shabbat time to make Havdalah I wasn’t sure I could say a bracha on the Besamim. At that point my nose somewhat clear but I still could not smell half the time. I told my wife to […]

Tevillat Keilim in snow

There has been a lot of snow this season and me and a bunch of friends went on a trip to the snow. On the way we bought a new Barbecue and tongs and other utensils we need to make a barbecue there. When we sent to make the barbecue, we realized that we forgot […]

Wedding ring

I was at a wedding of a relative and I was standing next to the Chuppah. I saw that Chatan by mistake gave the ring to his Kallah first and then said, “Harei At Mekudeshet Li.” During the reading of the Ketubah, I told the Rav that he did the wrong order and maybe he […]

Kiddushin with a stolen ring

I am a Baal Teshuva and unfortunately, I had to spend some time in jail. Baruch Hashem, I turned around and did Teshuva. In jail, I made a friend who was a career thief. He also was Chozer Beteshuva with me and he merited getting married last week. He had told me that a number […]

Wearing short sleeves during Tefilla

I am in aveilut and I need to be the chazzan every day. During the hot summer I wear short sleeve shirts. Sometimes even in the winter my shirt is too tight to pull over the Tefillin so I also don’t cover it. Is that OK?

Saying Brachot on the way to the Bet Knesset.

I have a hard time unfortunately getting to Shacharit on time in the morning. On my way to Shacharit I say Birchot Hashachar. First is that OK? As I am running sometimes though, I think I see dog feces on the floor as I pass. Should I stop saying the bracha in that case?

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