How can I face G-d after I sinned so much?
How can I face G-d after I have sinned so much during the year? Some
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How can I face G-d after I have sinned so much during the year? Some
Can we make a house dedication on the day before Rosh Hashana?
I know the custom is not to eat walnuts on Rosh Hashana because numerologically egozim
Can one transgress a festival or Shabbat to give an inhalation with an electrical medical
May one connect a Shabbat clock to an outlet before the festival and then connect
Why does the Mussaf prayer mention the Revelation of Mt. Sinai?
My father has a yeshiva of boys who are becoming religious and no one there
I am a vegetarian and don’t eat animals. What can I eat on Rosh Hashana
Do we light candles at the beginning of Rosh Hashana?
I heard several times that there is a heavenly court with its own judges that
I would like to visit the graves of my parents and sister before the holidays.
Is it permitted to swim in a pool or the sea on Rosh Hashana?
Can one brush one’s teeth on Rosh Hashana?
Can I increase or lower the oven heat for baking on the festival? The oven
It’s well known that a person’s livelihood is decreed on Rosh Hashana for the following
How many seconds does each shofar blow have to be? I heard 6 seconds. If
I read that it’s important for the prayer leader to be a G-d-fearing Jew. I
Can I bake challahs and cakes in an oven on a festival? Of course the
I have a non-religious relative who would like to come to me for a meal
Is it a sin to touch a shofar during the days before a woman’s immersion?
Can a person fast during the Ten Days of Repentance?
May a woman blow a shofar?
I have a toddler who is 1.9 years old and am finding it hard to
Can a horn from an improperly slaughtered animal be used for a shofar?
When can a person insert his own private requests in the Rosh Hashana prayers?
Can a person who is becoming more religious (and wants to keep the laws properly)
Can an unmarried 20-year old man blow shofar for himself or for others?
I say Selichot with a minyan in a synagogue but go at my own pace.
They say there is a week that can atone for the whole year. As far
I heard that there is a custom not to eat nuts on Rosh Hashana. What
What is the connection between the heavenly court above and the court below on Rosh
Are intimate relations permitted on the Day of Judgment? Can one be more pious and
Is there any problem with decorating the Rosh Hashana table in gold color?
This year the second day of Rosh Hashana falls on a Sunday. Do we make
I wanted to invite a gentile to eat with us on Rosh Hashana. Is there
Is it permissible to fast every day before Rosh Hashana? My husband has been fasting
Should I ask for forgiveness before Yom Kippur from a person who wouldn’t forgive me
Is it OK to say Selichot at 3:30 in the afternoon?
I am having a dispute with a friend. Recently it came out in a discussion
Please can you tell me how to find out if I am maybe from Jewish
What is the source of the saying that the last week of the year can
Can one take frozen challahs out of the freezer on the first festival day for
What is the difference between the second day of Rosh Hashana and the second day
What is the source of the saying that the last week of the year can
We learned that disturbing a person’s sleep is tantamount to theft. Our yeshiva wants to
You discussed Adam and the tree of good and evil. I thought original sin was
Is there anything wrong with wearing gold jewelry on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur? I
If a person suddenly breaks out in crying on Rosh Hashana, is that significant? Can
Is it a law or a custom that a woman has to wear a new
I read Selichot after midnight alone in my house, and was wondering if one is