Sheva Brachot by Leil Hasder Muktzeh pot lid A Goy who leaves money on Sjabbat wrong name in a ketbuna

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Category: Laws and Customs

Meaty rice

I work in the kitchen of the Yeshiva and when we serve the chicken and

Matanot to an Avel

Unfortunately, my father passed away six months ago. In the meantime, I have Baruch Hashem

Sifrei Kodesh

When I pray in the bet Knesset, I put my siddur on the table in

Tinok Shenishbah

My nonreligious cousins came to us for a meal and touched the wine I poured

Rabbi Akiva

Why is there no fast of Rabbi Akiva as there is for Gedalia. Rabbi Akivas

Bedikat Chametz

Every year before Pesach we diligently do Bedikat Chametz, and Biur Chametz and sell our

Aveirah Lishma

I sold my whiskey to my Non-Jewish neighbor before Pesach. He told me he would

Amount of Tzedaka

How much Tsedaka should I give(Tsedaka is not given in person. It is given to

The final Temple

I have heard that it is not clear whether Hashem builds or Mankind builds the


Por favor, poderiam me responder o que siginifica a Kabalah? Desde já agradeço.

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